The 25th Army Band goes to Lewiston, ID every year. This year was especially good. Not because the dance was fun. It really wasn't. Not many people danced and there was really not a great turnout in the first place. But the greatest part of the trip was me growing closer to the leadership of the band. Don't fight it sir, you know you want it.

Our First Sergeant decided to let me sit on his lap. That was kind of fun. It felt like I was visiting Santa Claus. The great thing was that everyone decided to pull out the cameras and First Sergeant Flaherty was all cool about posing for those pictures. He even has that nice leather jacket. Of course if I had not been carrying around a cup full of water, I would have never had the confidence needed to sit there.
Next came Mr. Durfee. In the middle of a concert band rehearsal Mr.

Durfee decided to lie down and take a quick nap. Either that or he was doing a silent protest about the way we sounded. Anyways, I just so happened to be sitting up front when he lay down. He put his hands up under his head and that little area under his arm looked so inviting. Don't let this picture fool you, he had his arm around me before he realized that the camera phones were out! Thats when he tried to jump up. Too late sir, Sterner already got the evidence against you. Better luck next time.
So even though the dance was a drag and the ride was long and curvaceous, we still got some good times in.
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