I know what you are thinking. You can't be serious? Oh but I am. For nearly three years I have been using a little known program called The Gimp. It stands for the Graphical Image Manipulation Program. Now, before we get into a flamewar between PhotoShop and The Gimp, let me first say I'm not writing this for the benefit of professional graphic designers. I'm writing this for the average home user who has no idea that there is software as cool as this that is just as good for home use as PhotoShop.
But I'm not going to just tell you about it. I'll show you.
Here is a collection of screenshots. And if you would like to
download it and try it out, no licensing fees, ever! (That means it is Free)
Here are a few examples of what I have done with The Gimp:

this is cool software, it is hard to use.
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