Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Almighty Fig

The fig has a majestic past. It was the leaves of a fig tree that Adam and Eve used to cover their nakedness in the Garden of Eden. It is a fig leaf that will often cover up the naughty bits of a sculpture or painting. Because of this the fig leaf is a symbol of modesty. Yes, the fig leaf has a majestic history of modesty.

The fig fruit has a long history as well. In the popular Christmas tune, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, the carolers demand figgy pudding.
So bring us some figgy pudding
yes bring us some figgy pudding
bring us some figgy pudding
and bring it right now!
Figgy pudding was obviously so good that Christmas carolers demanded it RIGHT NOW! What is a person to do. "Why yes, I have some on to boil as we speak. Let me fetch some for you!" In historical times figs were often used as sweeteners, which is why Christmas carolers would demand it right now. It is also high in potassium, iron, fiber and plant calcium. Figs were also used for medicinal purposes as a diuretic and laxative. So don't eat too much of that figgy pudding or you will be making your own type of pudding during that cold hayride back to your home after your done caroling.

So what caused the decline of the fig fruit to become the most despised and shunned fruit ever? What has caused modern Americans to associate the word fig with newton? Doesn't the fig deserve more respect than to be completely wrapped in a pastry and placed in a plastic sealed container to age on your grocer's shelves?

If we search we can find some very tasty ideas to use figs for. Cakes, pastries, pizzas, and sauces. Fig preserves are always a good idea as well.

So stop disrespecting the fig! Give it a good reasonable try.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Eye Scratcher

This morning I had the most unfortunate accident. Little Clifford was playing with a toy Share had made. It just so happened to have a laminated piece of paper attached to it. I was lying on my back with my eyes closed. Just as I opened my eyes the edge of the laminated paper ran across my eyeball. Instant pain shot through my eye as I heard Clifford laughing. Ugh! It hurt like crazy. My eye still hurts and is still very light sensitive. Hopefully my eye is feeling better tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Watch Your Back Blaine

I don't like Blaine county Idaho. I really don't have much of a reason. I just hate the way it is shaped, with its stupid little tail. Piggy Blaine county. It had to squeeze its way between Power and Minidoka counties just so it could touch Cassia. Perhaps you thought you needed roots to the Snake River. Maybe you wanted a piece of the I-84 action so you could give out tickets to those who speed through your tail. With your dumb tail you border more counties in Idaho than any other county. Maybe we should cut off your tail and give it to the tiny Minidoka. Maybe Minidoka and Power counties could split the difference of your ridiculous appendage.

On the other hand Bonneville county at least looks cool. It looks like a handgun. There is a reason that it borders five other counties: it needs to be contained. NBC is currently being sued for using Bonneville county's trademark: Law & Order. Its a good thing for you Blaine county that Butte and Bingham counties seperate you and Bonneville. Otherwise Bonneville would have busted a move and popped a cap in you long ago. We are watching you Blaine county. We are always watching.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Javascript Picture Gallery

After doing my web album over at my webpage, I have discovered that it takes too much time. In the future I plan on having a web hosting solution for my webpage as opposed to the small amount of space my ISP gives me. Spending that much time putting all my pictures on the net would be a huge undertaking! Worth the time but I don't want to do it.

After a short search I have found PopBox. This is a javascript that will allow me to simply point to the pictures and it will zoom the picture to the size of your screen. This is much faster for me. It does not zoom to the original size but the size of the screen. simply right click on the picture and select "view image" and you can see the full size. I've just started using PopBox but so far it has a lot of nifty features. Go check out the new javascript picture album and let me know what you think!
