I don't like Blaine county Idaho. I really don't have much of a reason. I just hate the way it is shaped, with its stupid little tail. Piggy Blaine county. It had to squeeze its way between Power and Minidoka counties just so it could touch Cassia. Perhaps you thought you needed roots to the Snake River. Maybe you wanted a piece of the I-84 action so you could give out tickets to those who speed through your tail. With your dumb tail you border more counties in Idaho than any other county. Maybe we should cut off your tail and give it to the tiny Minidoka. Maybe Minidoka and Power counties could split the difference of your

On the other hand Bonneville county at least looks cool. It looks like a handgun. There is a reason that it borders five other counties: it needs to be contained. NBC is currently being sued for using Bonneville county's trademark: Law & Order. Its a good thing for you Blaine county that Butte and Bingham counties seperate you and Bonneville. Otherwise Bonneville would have busted a move and popped a cap in you long ago. We are watching you Blaine county. We are always watching.
Personally, I think the western end looks a little phallic . . .
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