The fig has a majestic past. It was the leaves of a fig tree that Adam and Eve used to cover their nakedness in the Garden of Eden. It is a fig leaf that will often cover up the naughty bits of a sculpture or painting. Because of this the fig leaf is a symbol of modesty. Yes, the fig leaf has a majestic history of modesty.
The fig fruit has a long history as well. In the popular Christmas tune, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, the carolers demand figgy pudding.
So bring us some figgy puddingFiggy pudding was obviously so good that Christmas carolers demanded it RIGHT NOW! What is a person to do. "Why yes, I have some on to boil as we speak. Let me fetch some for you!"
yes bring us some figgy pudding
bring us some figgy pudding
and bring it right now!

So what caused the decline of the fig fruit to become the most despised and shunned fruit ever? What has caused modern Americans to associate the word fig with newton? Doesn't the fig deserve more respect than to be completely wrapped in a pastry and placed in a plastic sealed container to age on your grocer's shelves?
If we search Allrecipies.com we can find some very tasty ideas to use figs for. Cakes, pastries, pizzas, and sauces. Fig preserves are always a good idea as well.
So stop disrespecting the fig! Give it a good reasonable try.
Now I'm hungry for figs....
I thought this was going somewhere perverted at the figgy pudding part...maybe it is just me. Pudding and naughty parts in the same breath must have been what did it. Lol...I agree with Penny I am hungry for figs now.
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