#1 - June 14th - Traveling back to Idaho Falls from Heise Hot Springs. I'm doing 75 in a 65. I look up and a Bonneville County officer drives past me. I know how fast I'm going. I see it in front of me. It took him a while to flip on his lights and turn around but a few miles later I was pulling over onto a side road.
Officer: Do you know how fast you were going?
Me: Uhm, not until you passed me.
At this point the officer asks for my license and registration. He stood next to our car looking at it for a while. He keeps looking into the back seat at my sleeping child. He finally hands me back my documentation and tells me to slow down. Whew! I dodged a bullet on that one!
#2 - June 30th - I'm in the NAPA truck getting off the highway at Lindsey Boulevard. An old guy is going 15 mph down the off ramp. At the stop sign he takes his time to turn out onto the road.
With his slow wandering he nearly gets hit by oncoming traffic because he took soooooooo loooooooong to get out into his lane. My first reaction is to make my stop and then get out and around him as soon as possible. Just as I'm pulling around him and back into the lane I look in the rear view mirror and see an Idaho Falls police officer entering the road. He quickly turned on his lights and I knew it was for me. Ironically enough, this police officer also passed the old man to get to me.
Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?
This question has got to be a violation of the 5th amendment in some way. For some reason we all still anser it anyways...
Me: Because I passed in a no passing zone.
Remember the officer did the same. Although he did have his lights on therefore making it legal.
Officer: Why did you do it?
Me: Because that old man was going ridiculously slow.
Officer: Where are you going?
Me: To deliver auto parts to Commercial Tire.
Officer: Was the time you wasted talking to me worth it?
Me: No.
Officer: Then don't do it again. Is your lisence current?
Me: Yes, do you need to see it?
Officer: No, Are you on probation?
Me: No.
Officer: Alright, slow down, relax and don't do that again.
Whew! I dodged a bullet on that one too!
#3 - July 9th - On the corner of Foote Dr. and Highway 20. I pull up to the stop sign, make an effort to stop while looking for oncoming traffic. See no oncoming traffic on an otherwise busy intersection. So I keep going. Again, rear view mirror, but this time it was an Idaho State Policeman. He pulls up behind me as I get up to the stoplight. I figure he is simply going to follow me for a while to make sure I don't do anything else. I nearly stopped right? The light turns green and I begin to move. Much to my disappointment his lights came on.
Officer: I'm pulling you over because you rolled through that stop sign. Can I see your license, registration, and insurance.
Me: Sure, (I hand him my license) I assume my registration and insurance is in the glove box. I haven't had to pull it out before.
Officer: Thats good.
He looks things over and mulls over it all for a bit. Of course he asks where I'm going and I can't give a simple direct answer as I have multiple destinations who need their auto parts. Finally, after an awkward silence...
Officer: Well, I'm going to save you $75 dollars today. Make sure you stop completely at all stop signs. You were so close to stopping at that last one.
Me: No problem. I'll do that from now on.
Whew! I dodged a third bullet on that one!
I really need to stop getting pulled over.
Let's think the unthinkable, let's do the undoable, let's prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.
--Douglas Adams