After he was born the doctor left and then came back into the room. I said "When Clifford Fell was born he kicked the doctor. Because only Clifford Fell delivers Clifford Fell." The comment got a good chuckle from him.
I sent an e-mail out to many people. Here is what it said
On March 29th, 2007 at 1:16pm the world changed forever...
[cue inspirational music]
For the first time since the 19th century there are now two Clifford Fells existing on the planet Earth at the same time. This fact has come to light after hours of time spent on Google. This change for the planet Earth could cause widespread excitement and gladness. This is also quite a conundrum. After all the Clifford Fell Fan Club will have to decide who's fans they really are. The original Clifford Fell claims that he is a Proud Member of the Clifford Fell Fan Club. However, Clifford Fell Jr. claims that he is the Proudest Member of the Clifford Fell Fan Club, thus topping the original Clifford beyond all controversy. Because nothing can be more than the est-est Therefore proudest will always top Proud and Prouder (grammatically it should be more proud). So, what should the Clifford Fell Fan Club do? That decision can only be made by it's members!
OK, so seriously. Share was an amazing trooper. She did the marathon labor and won. Share was in labor for approximately 17 hours. Three of those hours were her pushing. Share was able to deliver on her own with no scalpels or operations, a 9 pound 2 ounce baby. I have more respect and love for her now than I ever have. Watching the sacrifice that she made to bring life into the world was the most humbling experience. So please send your congratulations to her. She was amazing and never gave up. Her e-mail address is
Thanks for all the support
I hope you like looking at baby pictures because here they are!

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