Sunday, December 17, 2006
Horny Manatee
What? I'm sorry, did you just mix "horny" and "manatee" together in one sentence? Oh,
absolutely! I have been following this drama from Conan O'Brian for the last week and a half. Horny Manatee is absolutely fabulously disgusting. I have never seen such a gross display of dirty humor. Mr. O'Brian has gone too far! This exploitation of an endangered species must stop. Well, ok, it is really funny. Conan said the words hornymanatee.com on his show and as a result NBC bought the webpage name. It was previously non-existent. So they put together a web page for everyone to enjoy about horny manatees. I would like to point out to parents that this is not suitable for children and old people. We don't want to destroy the young children's minds and the old people are already too far gone to understand this. Enjoy the manatee videos and the sweet manatee action. Also consider purchasing a shirt. A portion of the proceeds will go to help save this endangered sea cow.

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