Friday, January 25, 2008

Global Warming - The new atheist religion

My blog has stayed away from things that are political in nature. Now I think it may be time to at least put some thoughts out there about global warming. I completely expect people to tell me I'm going to global warming hell. And I'm OK with that.

Global Warming has turned into the new atheist religion. There is a god. To them it is Mother Earth. There is sin. To them it is carbon emissions. There are negative consequences to this sin... we are on the path to destroy the Earth and as a result Earth will destroy us through terrible hurricanes and tsunamis. And with all religions, those who disagree are Heretics. As you read this blog entry you will begin to realize that I am one such Heretic.

Ironically enough there is even a way you can obtain an indulgence and forgiveness for your carbon sins. You have the opportunity to purchase carbon credits. Sounds a bit like the Catholic church before Martin Luther tacked his grievances to their door. By donating money to fight global warming you are able to continue living your current life guilt free. is one such place that will sell you the needed indulgence. For a mere $49.91 I can offset the carbon footprint of my SUV for an entire year. $648.82 will cover me for the life of the car. Sounds all fine and dandy. I still get to go out and do my carbon sinning with the knowledge that my money has removed me from that same carbon sin. will spend your money working to fight global warming or they will retire those carbon emissions. The issue is that does not explain how they will spend your money to fight global warming or how they can single handedly retire carbon.

There is a direct correlation between C02 and temperature of the Earth. It has been proven. Al Gore makes use of this fact to say that the more C02 the higher the temperature. The biggest issue I see with this thought is that the earth is carbon based. Everything on the earth is made of carbon. Plants contain carbon. As well as lions, tigers, and bears. Oh my! All vegetation, all animals, all man made objects, and all men. Yep, Thats right. YOU have carbon in your body. Therefore you are an abomination to the earth and must be smitten. The only problem is that you will continue to sin in death as your body decays and emits more C02 into the atmosphere. After a few years we could do some carbon dating to find that you lived with idiots.

What if C02 was not the cause? What if higher C02 levels was an effect? It is possible that C02 gets trapped in the ice when it freezes and is released when it melts. Perhaps there could be something else besides a single element that would cause the temperature of the earth to rise slightly. Lets leave the earth a few million miles behind us and take a journey to the sun. Ah, the sun. The great giver of heat and light, the sustainer of life. Wouldn't it be odd if the sun were to have more effect on the Earth than the men that inhabited it? On NOAA's web page there is a very interesting and informative article about sun spots. According to this article there was a period of time from 1645 to 1715 of sunspot inactivity. This time period is known as the "Little Ice Age" because the temperature of the earth fell dramatically. Heating and cooling is increasingly correlated with sun spot activity. C02 emissions, especially from man, would have little effect on the climate. Volcanoes emit more C02 than we could ever dream of.

Global warming has got us all worried about the polar bears. By association of the food chain we must also be worried about penguins and seals. The ice is falling away from the glaciers of both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. This is an obvious in your face argument for global climate change. Perhaps it is. But if the ice has been melting at this phenomenal rate for so long why do we still have glaciers in these places at all? Maybe we could simply point to the seasons of the earth on this one. Spring runoff is a pretty compelling argument for melting ice. Spring is also an effect of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Maybe the sun has something to do with it? Have you ever tried to book a cruise to the North Pole in the winter? You can only take an Alaska cruise during the months of April through October. The winter months of November through March are not available for a journey to the edge of the glaciers. Could this be that those months are much colder up north and there is too much ice to move a ship around in? Think about it rationally.

If our sun is the root cause of global climate change, then what can we do about it? Nothing. The earth will naturally warm and cool on a cycle of its own. The earth was warmer by nearly ten degrees Celsius [about 19(f)] during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods of the Earth's existence. The same goes for the Triassic and Jurassic periods. And the same for the... you get the point. The fact of the matter is that the Earth's temperature will rise and fall. On a smaller level we have been going back and forth about the Earth's temperature for over 100 years. In a special report from Business and Media we are informed of concern about the Earth's temperature when Grover Cleveland was president right before the turn of the century. The earth cooled in the 1920's and was warming again in the 1950's. But who could forget the global cooling scare of the 1970's? Now we are again entrenched in the Earth's temperature as it rises slightly. There is loads of information out there. Just Google "global cooling" instead of "global warming".

These are just a few points about global warming. It would take me hours to cover all the causes of the Earth's temperature warming a few degrees. It would take even longer to discuss all the bullheaded ideas for combating this one degree Celsius. To completely understand this position watch The Great Global Warming Swindle: