Thursday, April 26, 2007

Puke Bucket Kid

The joys of parenthood have gotten much more exiting. Baby Clifford slept through the whole night. Good for us! But after he woke up and ate, he started spitting up. It seemed to be a continual spit up. Milk flowed constantly. Then out of the middle of nowhere he just vomited. Were not talking normal baby spit up here. This was a tidal wave of milk regurgitating from the innards of our little baby. Now our sheets are in the washer and he ended up getting a bath. And in true baby boy fashion, Clifford decided he needed to urinate on me while I bathed him. This is nothing new to people who have already had kids, but to new parents this is quite exiting. Not exiting like I won the lottery, but exiting like I just puked after riding a roller coaster.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Google Wants Me To Swim

I recently went to Google and looked for the driving directions to London from Boise.
Step #27 tells me to swim to across the Atlantic Ocean.

I thought this was pretty funny.