I recently went to Google and looked for the driving directions to London from Boise. Step #27 tells me to swim to across the Atlantic Ocean.
I thought this was pretty funny.
I had to try this myself. This is really funny to look at. I also noticed the directions tell you to make a slight right. Dictionary.com defines it at a small amount. Can you do anything slight after swimming 3462 miles? Dictionary.com's definition #5 is more appicable: "of little substance or strength." Who says computers do not have a sense of humor!!!
You know this is pretty funny, but look at the next step, #28. It says to make a slight right. Dictionary.com defines slight as a small amount. After swimming 3462 miles, the only thing slight is how you will feel (frail)!!
I had to try this myself. This is really funny to look at. I also noticed the directions tell you to make a slight right. Dictionary.com defines it at a small amount. Can you do anything slight after swimming 3462 miles? Dictionary.com's definition #5 is more appicable: "of little substance or strength." Who says computers do not have a sense of humor!!!
You know this is pretty funny, but look at the next step, #28. It says to make a slight right. Dictionary.com defines slight as a small amount. After swimming 3462 miles, the only thing slight is how you will feel (frail)!!
Thanks for a good laugh!!
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