My retarded brother-in-law, from henceforth shall simply be known as Tard, is at it again. This afternoon his steadfast wife called my loving wife and asked her to ask me to help Tard install a game on the family's newly acquired computer. I would like to point to my last blog entry which stated that the computer was given to my nephew. So the question is this: Whose decision is it to modify said computer? Does that right belong to the incompetent Tard? or does that right belong to my nephew? Does the responsibility lie with the nephew or with Tard?
Now that the ethical dilemma of who actually owns the computer is out of the way let me throw another twist on the story. This computer has a dual-boot with Linux and Windows 2000. It will go directly into Linux unless otherwise told. I did this for a reason. This computer used to belong to my mother-in-law who was new enough to computers that she did not need to worry about the fuss with viruses, spyware, and adware. And every application and task she needed to do could be easily accomplished in Linux.

So like I said, Tard is staring down KDE and wondering how to install this game. However, if Tard had realized that when the computer booted that he could choose Windows 2000, then we would not be in this predicament would we? On the other hand if Tard was looking at a Windows 2000 screen he wouldn't be calling me asking me how to install Command and Conquer, he would be calling asking for the administrator password.
So I say to Tard, whose incompetence sits on his shoulders in a thick mass of dense space he calls a brain, figure out how to get into Windows and then we can talk. Until then, enjoy solitaire. In Linux we call it PySol. (python solitaire for anyone still lost.)
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